Dangerous Magic is Here!

The third and final book in the Sisters of Magic trilogy is now available!Β  Yes, its officially a day early, but I’ve had so many readers begging for Cade’s story early that I gave in. πŸ™‚Β Β  There are a few stories that I really hate to have end, and Cade’s was one of them. πŸ™‚

Dangerous Magic

With the darkness holding firmly onto his soul, Cade knows he’s destined for Hell. Men like him don’t perform the deeds he has, regardless if they came by order of the king, and not elude the darkness…

A loner, Cade takes what the land provides and vows to keep the two men he thought of as brothers alive from the great evil after them. He knows his time is short and the evil is looking for him, but there is just enough humanity left in him to aid his friends. When the flame-haired witch finds him, Cade is instantly spellbound by her beauty. He can either forget her – or give in to the reckless, impossible love that could destroy her…

Β Links to buy ebook: Kindle | Nook | Smashwords

Read an Excerpt | Cade’s Character Profile | Francesca’s Character Profile

Find out more about the Sisters of Magic trilogy.

In order to win an ebook copy of ECHOES OF MAGIC, the second book in the trilogy, a $10 iTunes gift card, *and* a $10 Amazon gift card help me spread the word.Β  Here is what you can do for entries, and remember, every thing you do is an entry!Β 

Be sure to give me proof of what you do for your entry to be counted!

Contest ends on Dec 28th.Β  I’ll pick the winner and announce it on Dec 29th. πŸ™‚

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  1. Donna,
    I put the word out on my facebook… and I liked it on both Amazon and BN… Hope you get great numbers your books are awesome.

  2. I have completed 7 of the tasks placed before us. I have been all over the place!!! I have also FB’ed you about some of the things I had completed. In addition to those I have liked it on Amazon/BN, Added to Goodread’s List and tagged it. WooHoo! I hope your book does great-they are awesome just like U ;D

  3. Thank you all so much for participating! Congratulations to…Lori!

    Lori, please email me with your email and snail mail address so I can get your goodies to you. πŸ™‚

    You have until Monday, January 2nd, to contact me or I’ll have to choose another winner.

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