2015 Year-End Review

NewYears2015FINALI can honestly say I’m glad to see 2015 in the rearview mirror. It was one of those years that I’ll never forget, but one I wish I could. Thank you all for journeying with me for another year. Here’s a recap of releases, trips, and other stuff…

JanuaryTHE TEMPTED (Rogues of Scotland #3) released. I celebrated my birthday and a move back to Texas after only four months in Colorado. It was a stressful, exhausting month, but I was glad to be back with my family.

FebruaryTHE SEDUCED (Rogues of Scotland #4) and SOULLESS (Masters of Seduction #2) released. I barely got back to Texas and into our rent house before I jetted off to Florida for the Coastal Magic Con, which was awesome! Lots of fun time with friends, readers, and the sun!

Night's BlazeMarch NIGHT’S BLAZE (Dark Kings #5) released. March was the month from hell. I discovered my husband of twenty years was having an affair, which ended our marriage. There was a time when I wondered if I could write romance again. With steadfast friends, a wonderful agent, and an incredible editor, I got through each day. I had a visit planned with my publisher that had been in the works for months, so at the end of March, I made a trip to New York where they filmed me talking about my upcoming book SOUL SCORCHED. It was a great visit, and when I returned home, I attempted to write again.

AprilMOON THRALL (LaRue #2), MASTERS OF SEDUCTION Vol 2, THE DARK SWORD Collection, and THE DARK WARRIOR collection released. It was a busy month for releases, which is where I concentrated my time. I don’t remember much about April other than visits to my attorney, numerous phone calls from friends that lasted hours at a time, and visits from my family. I struggled to write again, but couldn’t manage more than a few words at a time.

MayWILD FLAME (Chiasson #4) released. I hopped in my car and drove to Dallas for the RT conference. It was just the inspiration I needed to get back to writing. I spent a week with friends, readers, and my editor and team from my publisher. My faithful friends kept me busy with parties, food, and laughter.

Soul ScorchedJuneSOUL SCORCHED (Dark Kings #6) released. I was now back to writing every day, which I think everyone (including my family, kids, editor, and agent) sighed with relief. It’s also when God decided to send me Sisko. Someone dropped this remarkable dog and his sister off and abandoned them. They were starving, but just wanting/needing love. I don’t know what happened to his sister as she wandered off and we couldn’t find her, but we made a home for Sisko and he’s become one of 6 animals in our household.

July – Headed back to New York for my first Thrillerfest where I was honored to be on a panel with Charlaine Harris (True Blood) and Lee Child (Jack Reacher) among many others. For the first time, I also brought my kids. They’d never been to New York, so I showed them the sights, a couple of Broadways shows, shopping on 5th Avenue, and too much more to name.

DRAGON KING (Dark Kings #6.5 in the 1001 Dark Nights books) released. I realized I needed a fresh start, and because I wasn’t already busy enough, I began looking for a house to buy. I got the kids ready for school, and before I knew it, we were waking up early again to get them to school.

September – I found a house! After much hunting, we found the perfect house. My offer was accepted, and the paperwork began. Then I realized I had to move again. Much wine was drunk.

Passion IgnitesOctober – We got moved into the new house. The animals adjusted well, and unboxing commenced. I was busy unpacking and writing when the next offer for more Dragon King books came in. Much celebrating went on!

NovemberPASSION IGNITES (Dark Kings #7) and DARK ALPHA’S CLAIM (Reapers #1) released. I managed to get all the boxes unpacked, things put away, and loads of stuff given away all before I hosted my first Thanksgiving with my family and friends.

DecemberROGUES OF SCOTLAND Box Set and SMOLDERING HUNGER (Dark Kings #8) released. With the house decorated and both Christmas trees up, I looked around my new home with contentment and happiness with my children beside me.


Warmest wishes for a Happy New Year!

As I look back on 2015, I see I’ve run the gambit of emotions from heartbreak, fury, bitterness, anger, disillusionment, acceptance, contement, and…hope. After learning of my friend’s two-year affair with my husband, I never thought I’d feel hope again, but here it is, nine months later.

I’ve grown a lot this last year. In some ways it feels like a lifetime has passed since my world was shattered, but I welcome – and love – the new me. I remembered I come from a very long line of strong women. My paternal grandmother had three kids and was pregnant with my father in 1936 when her husband left her. She ran her own store out of her house and raised her four kids – all by herself.

She was my inspiration. The knowledge that this – unfortunately – happens helped me realize that I wasn’t alone. Nor was I going to let it ruin me for myself or my children. I can honestly say that I’m loving life right now. And this just confirms one of my favorite sayings – “everything happens for a reason.”

I look to my bright future and the good place that I’m in and smile, thankful. I wouldn’t wish what I went through on anyone, but I should’ve listened to my instincts for the last two years. My gut knew all along. Another lesson learned – and not one soon forgot.

It’s been a rocky year personally, but an amazing year professionally. I want to send a special thank you out to each of you to let you know how grateful I am that you’ve allowed my stories into your hearts and homes. Thank you for helping me celebrate the release of 15 books/collections in 2015.

2016 is going to be great! I have 7 (or more) releases coming, including a new series – Sons of Texas – which is my first military romance/romantic suspense. I can’t wait to introduce you to the Loughman brothers.

I’ll leave you with a Celtic saying that is not only beautiful, but fitting.

Tagann solas as dorchadas – Out of darkness comes light.

Here’s to more stories, book boyfriends, faraway lands, and great wine for the coming year!




  1. Love you tons girl!!!! I am very honored to have meet you this year and I am grateful for our friendship.


  2. I can’t find a current book order list. I read Dark Kings series already before realizing there are the Warrior and Sword sets. Can you tell me the entire book order include druids and all??

    1. Hi, Carrie! You can visit any of the series links to learn the order of a series. Or look at the top of the website for the DARK WORLD for the reading order for the entire Dark World series.

      Also, when you click on my “books” link, there is a printable book list available.

      1. I can’t figure out the order for which series to start with so it all makes sense. Swords, kings, warriors then druids?

        1. You can find the reading order for the DARK WORLD by a link at the top of the website -https://donnagrant.com/category/books/?series=dark-world

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