2018 Year In Review

I’ve been doing a YIR for a couple of years now. I love looking back and seeing what I accomplished in the year. I’m a bit of a planner (I have two actual planners on my desk – work and family – both Erin Condren planners), so I have things planned out. OK. Fine, I’ll admit I’m kinda OCD. J

Some things worked out as I anticipated, some didn’t. Some got moved around, some got deleted, and some added. But my months were pretty filled.

So, let’s start:

  • I wrote 9 books
  • I released 13 books
  • I attended/went to Mexico for the 1001 Dark Nights Cruise, Apollycon in DC, and Readers on the River in Kentucky and had other book signings
  • I spent time with amazing friends and made so many great memories
  • Saw half of my house fixed from the flood while still waiting for the other half

FIRSTS: The 1001 Dark Nights Cruise in January was my first. Had I not been heavily medicated because of motion sickness, I wouldn’t have survived it. Lol  And I learned an important fact – that while I had a great time, cruises aren’t for me. Biloxi, MS, Cozumel, and Louisiville, KY were all new for me. A really cool first – meeting JR Ward.

I had my first taste of Thai food. Jumped into the online dating scene with more disastrous dates than possible until I decided I was finished with it all, but went out on one last date – which turned out to be ah-mazing. Yeah. That amazing. 😀

I also had my first author retreat. That week was a fabulous time to spend with some of my favorite people, relax, recharge, and talk about all things books. I definitely need to attend another one of these.

Sadly, I lost my father this summer. The family is still reeling from that, even now. It’s all the “firsts” that happen when we lose a loved one that’s particularly difficult. But we carry on, because we must.

Looking back, I can say it has been a good year. My 2018 word/intention was SHINE. I believe I’ve accomplished what I set out to do.

I think I definitely need more firsts, so I’m going to focus on that for 2019, but my word/intention or the new year is FEARLESS. It’s easy to get in a rut and remain there, but I’ve recently been shown what it’s like to take a few chances. While I still refuse to skydive (sorry, G), I want to be more fearless and experience more firsts.

Here’s books coming in 2019!


To see all of the books coming in 2019 and beyond go to my Coming Soon page!

Happy New Year, all! Here’s to a wonderful 2019!!!!




  1. Hi Donna,
    I just finished Dragon Night and DragonFire. Didn’t know Dragon Claim was out,so super excited I don’t have to wait for another book to come out. I try to wait so I don’t have to wait in between but no matter how hard I try to abstain from reading the next book, I can’t delay my gratification with all things Dark World.
    I was looking through your archives hoping to find a clue or comments from other fans about their prediction of Rhi’s lover but I was surprised to not find anything.
    Sorry to say I may have screamed at you while I was making notes in DragonFire for playing with my emotions. Lol. You were very good at alluding to Con’s unrequited love that was sounding very similar to Rhi’s plight. I was like, “Oh Donna. You trickster! You love torturing me.”
    I usually take pride in my ability to put all the pieces together and make pretty accurate prediction but this one is just out of reach. Its getting harder to remember all my notes on Rhi and conversation with others about her lover or her conversations with Con. I keep going back and forth on thinking it’s Con. I wonder if you go back and forth on who it will be. I also thought maybe it’s Vaughn but only because he’s mentioned numerous times and doesn’t have a mate. You said you would reveal Rhi’s Dragon King Soon. How soon are we talking? 🙂
    I just know we won’t be disappointed because our beloved Rhi will find Love again with him or another. However, I’m not a dragon, I don’t have eternity. Please end our suffering!
    Thank you for sharing your gift!

    1. @ Brandy

      Lol. I was thinking about Rhi’s Dragon King as well and came to the same conclusion. It is Con , it is not Con. Back and forth. At the moment I think it is not Con, but then I asked myself who could it be instead? Vaughn came to mind. It is not one of the DKs who already had their book. Simply because Donna Grant would have mentioned it, so there are not many possibilities left.
      Somehow I think we will learn who Rhi’s DK is in FEVER.

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