Cover Reveal

So excited to share the title and cover for Con’s book – INFERNO!

Look at this gorgeous cover! Mark your calendars because the final book in this storyline will hit shelves August 25, 2020!!!



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Links coming soon!


  1. I’m very excited for this book! I can’t wait to read it! Although I’d like to ask why in Constantine:A History, you said that his book would come out in October of 2020 not August. I’d also like to ask when the books for Merrill, Vaughn, Varek, Kendrick and Rhi’s Dragon king are going to come out? They’re going to be before Con’s right? I hope this message isn’t an inconvenience. I wish you luck with your writings and thank you for writing the Dark Warriors, Dark Kings, and the Reapers books! Again Thank You!

    1. Hi, Danielle –

      Con’s book was moved up by my publisher, which is completely out of my control. It was slated for October 2020, and they moved it. INFERNO is the last book *in this storyline.* There are many more Dragon Kings, and their stories will take place in a spin-off.


          1. What Rhi’s favorite nail polish colors? I’m so into reading that I forgot to write the name of the OPI colors down!! Thanks so much!
            I love love love your books, I’m totally immersed in them.

  2. Ok thank you for telling me. I’m looking forward to reading Inferno! I can’t wait to here about the spin-off series afterwards! Thank You!

  3. I been waiting for a long time for cons story. And who his lover is, and Rhi. I just know it is him and Rhi. I can not wait. All of your series are so exciting. Is this going to be the last book in the Dragon King series?

    1. INFERNO will be the end of this current storyline, but it isn’t the end to the dragons. Look for the spin-off series, Dragon Kings, sometime in 2021.

      1. I am so excited for Constantine’s story! I love all the Dragon Kings but Con’s is the one I’ve been most excited for. I think it most likely has to do with how much of a mystery he is. You’ve kept information about the King of Kings pretty close to the vest and add that to him also being the only Dragon King to have been awake for centuries, making an abundance of memories we don’t know anything about. The A History Of Constantine novellas revealed his history with Death but other than that and the mini tidbits about Con having an affair with the Queen of the Light Fae, I don’t know much else about Constantine’s romantic past. Which brings me to my question about Rhi. After 17 books, Rhi’s Dragon King lover’s identity still hasn’t been revealed. I’m assuming you probably aren’t going to reveal if it’s Con who broke Rhi’s heart. But I still have to ask because the curiosity and anticipation is killing me! But if it isn’t Con, will he be revealed in the spin off series or maybe in The Reaper series?

        1. Hi, Tiffany!

          So glad you’re enjoying the books – and Con. 🙂 The only thing I will tell you is that you’ll discover who Rhi’s DK is this year. You won’t have too much longer to wait, I promise.

        2. If you read Dragon Fire it doesn’t say his name but a comment made by Balladyn tells you who it is. Not to mention the answer was accidentally posted on fb.

  4. Hallo Donna,

    gibt es bald weitere DK-Übersetzungen ins deutsche. Habe die ersten beiden gelesen und bin begeistert, aber auch enttäuscht dass bisher nur diese beiden übersetzt wurden.
    Können Sie mir mehr sagen ? Ich würde mich freuen.

    1. I have no idea if there will be more translations. My publisher holds those rights, but I’ve not heard anything about more. If you’re interested in having the rest of the series translated, please contact the publisher and let them know. That’s the quickest way for the books to be translated.

  5. Donna,
    I have been obsessed with the DK series. And I am counting down the day’s for the last two of this series! Thank you for creating such WONDERFUL books! I can visualize myself in each story 😊

  6. My mother started with the Druids and read all through the series. Now she has me hooked. I’m so excited for Inferno. Thank you for taking us on an amazing ride with characters we have all grown to love.

  7. ¡Hola!
    Simplemente quiero felicitarte por tu trabajo, sos una gran escritora. Hace 8 años me topé con uno de tus libros y nunca más pude dejar de leerte.
    Mundo Oscuro es mi saga favorita. La combinación de personajes, las tramas, los mundos… IMPRESIONANTE. Y qué decir de Inferno, lo espero hace tanto, necesito respuestas!!!
    Gracias, gracias por brindarme semejante obra para deleitarme. ÉXITOS hoy y siempre, no dejes de regalarnos historias.

  8. Hi Donna, I have to say that I am completely excited and scared by the next book, you will see I have read absolutely each one of them and believe me that waiting for the next one and the next one has kept me up high as you can not imagine, I really love all your books I am a great admirer of your work, and that being scared is because I think I will be very disappointed if he is not the king of rhi, but anyway I just wanted to thank you for taking my mind away from this world with those pages and stories wonderful.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Dayanne! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series. 🙂

      1. Hi Donna
        I have read every single one of the dark King books but my question to you is the book 1001 18.5 will it be sold on Google play I love listening to the read out loud while I am knitting or cleaning my house or doing chores that I need to do and let me congratulate you on a great serious and also the reaper books are pretty great too

          1. Hi Donna
            I just finished reading Inferno I could not put the book down congratulate it was amazing ,surprising ,emotional and brilliant thank you so much for the Wild Ride and I so much look forward to the next book 1001 18.5 also I can’t wait for your next Reaper book coming out soon once again congratulations

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