January Update

I’ve been MIA from just about everywhere lately, but with good reason. πŸ™‚Β  I not only got through copy edits for Logan’s book (MIDNIGHT’S MASTER) during Christmas/New Year’s, but I’m in the last week of writing Arran’s book.

I don’t have a title for Arran’s book yet, but I can’t wait until I do.Β  This book has really been a surprise for me everyday.Β  At times I’m excited to see where the characters take me, and at other times I’m staring at the screen wondering what the Hell they’re doing.Β  In the end it all works out, but there was a few times I was in serious doubt with this book.Β  lol

Arran and his heroine, Veronica, certainly knew where they wanted the story to go.Β  Lots of twists and turns, and one – gasping – scene that left me reeling. πŸ™‚

In other news, copy edits for Logan’s books got done and turned in.Β  It’s now on to production where they typeset the manuscript to how it will appear once its printed.Β  I’ll get one more look at it in galley proofs, and since this is a May 22nd release, I think it’ll be soon.

And speaking of soon, I expect copy edits for Ian’s book (MIDNIGHT’S LOVER) to come any day, especially since these are back to back books.Β 

I did get a peak of the Dark Kings covers yesterday.Β  The first three novellas in this new spin off series to the Dark Sword/Dark Warriors world will release this summer between MIDNIGHT’S MASTER/MIDNIGHT’S LOVER and MIDNIGHT’S SEDUCTION/MIDNIGHT’S WARRIOR.Β 

Finding it difficult to keep up with releases?Β  No worries.Β  Check out the Coming Soon page.

My publisher is tweaking the covers a bit, and as soon as they are approved I’ll debut them here.Β  If you like hunky man flesh to look at on books, then you’ll really enjoy the Dark Kings covers! πŸ™‚

Oh, and if you’re on Facebook, check out my Fan Page and the Amazon gift card contest I have going there!Β  Don’t miss out on this simple and easy contest for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gc!!


One Comment

  1. I love the Dark Sword series and I am very excited about your new series Dark Warriors. Hope you will offer the virtual book signing for those as well.

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