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Narrated by: Antony Ferguson
Shadow Highlander
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ISBN13: 978-0312533489
The Dark Sword series captures all the power, passion, and magic of Scotland’s legendary warriors—sworn to fight for victory, in battle and in love…
Sent on a dangerous mission into the shadowy world of the Druids, Galen must find a powerful ancient relic to defeat the enemies of MacLeod Castle. But what he discovers is far more powerful—and far more dangerous. A Druid lass whose beauty is as spellbinding as any magic…
Reaghan is the most enchanting woman Galen has even met—and the most enigmatic. She alone is immune to his mind-reading gifts. He alone makes her feel safe and secure. But Reaghan holds a secret power deep inside her that could destroy them both. And if Galen hopes to hold this captivating woman in his arms every night, he must defeat the darkness that draws closer around her every day…
Read an excerpt from Shadow Highlander...
Reaghan’s thoughts ground to a halt when she heard the keening call of the falcon. It wasn’t so much the peregrine itself as the feeling that went with the bird of prey, as if it called to her, for her.
There was magic with the bird, of that Reaghan was sure. She didn’t know how or why, only that it was.
Reaghan watched the magnificent bird fly over the loch before swooping into the trees. Falcons were majestic birds, and the peregrine was the fastest of them all. It moved with artistry and grace, precision and deadly intent.
The bird landed on a thick branch high in a tree not far from Reaghan, folding its wings against its sleek body. She could have sworn the bird’s sharp eyes turned to her as its blackish colored head cocked to the side.
Reaghan was disappointed. She would have preferred to watch the bird fly. She could have pretended she was the falcon, and the vast expanse of sky her only prison.
With a sigh she lowered her gaze and stilled. Two men stood below her at the shore of the loch. Her fingers dug into the bark of the pine tree as her heart raced frantically and her stomach dropped to her feet like a stone.
Their gazes moved slowly, as if they searched for something – or someone. She stood inside the magical confines of the village. As long as she stayed within the border, the men would never see her. Why that filled her with regret, she wasn’t sure.
“We’ve been searching for four hours,” one mumbled.
The blond nodded. “I well know. I’m no’ about to give up though.”
A glance at their different kilts told her they weren’t from the same clan. Travelers maybe? What were such handsome men doing at Loch Awe unless they were on their way to MacIntosh Castle? And what could they be looking for?
Many times she had watched such travelers and yearned to speak to them. What could it hurt? She was leaving on the morrow once she gathered the rest of her items. What better way to test what awaited her than speaking to strangers near the safety of the village?
And if they are from Deirdre?
She would step back into the magic barrier and watch as the men, confused, looked for her.
Her decision made, Reaghan took the step which put her outside the magic. The men, as one, turned their heads to her. They stared at her, silent and intent.
She didn’t worry about the men seeing the village. Yet. For the moment, they seemed satisfied to observe her. The men looked affable enough, but Reaghan knew better than to trust on appearances alone. Everyone hid something.
“Hello,” the one closest to her said.
His voice was rich and smooth, friendly. The sound of it made her blood quicken, causing her want to hear more. He had thick, dark blond hair that was tied in a loose queue at the back of his neck.
Even from the twenty or so paces they stood apart she could see the vibrant cobalt blue of his eyes. The way he watched her, studied her made goose flesh rise on her skin as awareness skidded around her, through her.
He stood with his arms to his side, seemingly at ease, belying the corded muscles she glimpsed in his arms and chest. There was a predatory elegance about him, a ravenous warrior that told Reaghan he could – and would – defend what was his. To the death.
Unable to help herself, Reaghan let her gaze run over his chiseled face. His forehead was high, his brows thin and golden. His cheeks were hollowed, his chin hard, and his jaw squared. That jaw was shadowed with a beard making him appear more interesting, more dangerous.
More enticing.
Reaghan tried to swallow, tried to think of anything but the very male, very appealing man before her. She knew she was being rude in not answering him as she looked her fill, but how could she not? He was everything a Highland warrior should be.
His lips tilted ever so slightly in a smile, as if he knew what went through her mind. Reaghan wanted to move closer to him, to touch his skin and run her hands through his hair.
She yearned to feel the strength of him, to have his muscles move beneath her hand. She longed to run her fingertip over his wide lips, to look deeper into his stunning blue eyes.
Her blood pounded in her ears like a drum in her chest the more she thought about touching him, of learning him.
It was as if for the first time in her life she was truly alive. Sounds she hadn’t paid attention to before filled her ears, scents she hadn’t noticed before swirled around her, and the colors of the forest and loch seemed more brilliant, more effervescent than usual.
All because of one man.
Neilson Bookscan Adult Fiction Bestseller List
First Place 2011 JABBIC Historical category Reader’s Choice Awards
Second Place Historical category 2011 JABBIC Contest
4.5 Stars! “Grant’s newest Dark Sword novel skillfully melds history and legend in a quick-moving story. It’s an adventurous, sensuous and highly moving romance that is impossible to put down.”
– RT Book Reviews
5 Blue Ribbons! “A beautifully written story, filled with adventure, danger, intrigue, magic, warriors, well-drawn realistic characters, surprising plot twists, romance and loads of love, SHADOW HIGHLANDER is a winner and definitely, a keeper.”
Dottie, Romance Junkies
4.5 Stars TOP PICK! “Shadow Highlander is a tantalizing novel by Donna Grant with breathtaking romance and fascinating characters that will leave you hungry for more.”
– Susan, Night Owl Romance
4.5 Stars! “In book five of the Dark Sword series, Donna Grant takes the reader along on a journey of emotional discovery.”
– Candy, Single Title Reviews
4 Angels! “I have been having so much fun reading this series. It’s not often that I say this about a book or series. So you know when I do that it is good.”
Cheryl, Fallen Angel Reviews
“A book that begins with a bang and keeps on going until the last epic explosion!”
Heather, Fresh Fiction