The only choice is surrender. In my world, magic and danger go hand-in-hand. It has from my earliest memory. Magic was currency, and if you have it, you have power. I was shaped by some of the most influential Druids into a lethal weapon. Their weapon. Until the night they betray me—and I wind up…
It’s finally time to show off the gorgeous cover for BLOOD SKYE, book 6 in the Skye Druids series. I can’t wait for you to read this next installment of the series. Designed by Hang Le The only choice is surrender. In my world, magic and danger go hand-in-hand. It has from my earliest memory….
GRAB YOURS HERE Forest child they call me. It is within the woods that I find solace and feel the magic of my ancestors. For I am a Druid. One who can trace her roots from the very first to call the Isle of Skye home. The isle draws many to its magical shores. It drew…
Your dedication is unmatched!
Your dedication is unmatched!