Midnight’s Promise Cover

Finally, the cover for Malcolm’s book has been revealed over on Heroes & Heartbreakers.Β  And yes, this is the last book in the Dark Warriors series, bringing the total books between the Dark Sword and Dark Warrior series to 14 books.Β  Don’t worry, however, the Warriors aren’t gone.Β  They will continue to pop up in the Dark Kings (aka Dragon King) books just as the Dragon Kings showed up in theirs.Β  πŸ™‚

Midnights Promise


For centuries, Malcolm has struggled against the forces of darknessβ€”and bears the scars to prove it. Hardened by a lifetime of fighting, he is more warrior than man, incapable of feeling love or compassion. But one stormy night, he pulls a beautiful woman from a car wreckβ€”and experiences a rush of fiery emotion that could melt even the hardest of hearts.


Since childhood,Β Evangeline Walker has felt theΒ  magic growing inside her. Descended from Druids, she is the perfect vessel for ancient magicβ€”and evil. Evie knows she should trust no one, not even Malcolm, whose strong touch and tender kiss she craves. But after she makes a devil’s bargain toΒ  save her half-brother, this fearsome warrior may be the only man who can protect herβ€”with his heart, his body, and his soul…