Self-care Journey Month 6


I think it’s safe to say that for a lot of people what we once thought was important isn’t anymore. The extravagant house, the luxury car, the expensive shoes/purse/clothes/jewelry no longer matter when your life is on the line. With cases of covid continuing to mount at an unholy rate here in Texas as well as other places in the States, I keep hearing from people at how their priorities have shifted. We’re in the fifth month of the virus, and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon.

If you’re into predictions, Nostradamus pretty much nailed it.Β  That means the last thing we should do is stop our self-care. Even if it’s something as simple as taking a few seconds to ourselves and looking out a window to the sky. That moment is what mediation experts call a gap, because just such a second can be the difference in centering ourselves and falling apart. So, look at the sky through a window, stare at flowers, laugh at the antics of animals, or admire a picture that you love. But take that moment for you.

I’ve preached on self-care since the start of the year, and it has transformed my life. From products like all natural face and hair care to meditation to stargazing. One that I can’t leave out is reading. Getting lost in someone’s world is something I’ve loved for as long as I can remember. Books were a solace for me, a place I could go to see worlds and meet people created by amazing authors. I still feel that. There’s something so pure, so absolute as to lose yourself in a book. Where you stop seeing the words and it all plays in your head like a movie. Who doesn’t like that?

My parents were readers. I’m a reader, and I’m delighted that my children are readers. There are so many worlds out there waiting for us to find them. The excitement I feel each time I open a new book puts a smile on my face – and it’s the ultimate in self-care. We’re feeding our minds and our souls.

I’ll close as I do every because I think it’s important enough to say again and again and again: You aren’t alone. You don’t have to carry the weight of everything yourself. You’re stronger than you know, and there are others who are around if you need them. Please, please, take time for yourself.



Peace and joy happen neither in the quietness of the forest nor out of the accomplishments of the marketplace, but only from within.” – Sadhguru


  1. I take time for just me every day. It may just be 10 minutes or 1 hour. That keeps me sane and focused for my busy world. I recommend it to everyone

    1. I take an hour every morning for just me..I seat outside for and read for 30 minutes and then I take a walk around my neighborhood for 30 minutes.. I have been doing this since Covid lock down started. Since I work from home I need me time out of my house. I have been spending more time outside since working from home and getting outside projects done. My daughter and I have turned my flower beds into fairy gardens. Its something we can do together and gives us the peace of nature while doing it. Thank you Donna for your stories. Happy Writing!!

      1. I love the idea of fairy gardens. I used to garden quite a lot, but not so much anymore. But now you’ve made me want a fairy garden. πŸ˜€

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I have loved reading the journey. You should do another oneπŸ‘πŸ»

    1. Thank you, Melissa! I’m doing an entire 12 months, so there will be another at the start of each month. πŸ™‚

  3. Thank you for taking us with you, not just on this monthly journey but also for the wonderful escape into your writing worlds.

  4. This is beautiful and so needed! Thank you. For me I went back to school, taking time to better myself while staying safe at home. God bless us all! Again thank you for this Donna, it so true and beautifully written as always!

  5. Thank you again for sharing your journey with all of us fans. You are definitely a part of many of our own self-care routines. I have managed to keep my sanity by continuing to read your books and watch some fun videos of rescue foxes πŸ˜†β€οΈ. I’m glad to know you are doing well during these crazy times.

  6. Your words are so true in what we should be taking from this whole experience. Taking time to appreciate what is really important. Thank you again for all your wonderful books. Reading Flame and just finished reading Chapter 33 which made me so happy. Glad to know you are doing so well and stay safe

  7. Your words are so true, now more than ever. Like you, Donna, I’ve been a life long reader. I find that reading calms me, refreshes my mind and gives me joy. My mother gave me a passion for reading. It’s a gift I gave to my children and now my grandchildren.
    Reading goodnight stories on FaceTime is certainly different than doing it in person, but I’ll do it every time my grandsons want me to.
    I hope everyone takes some time to find some joy today. It’s rough out there lately. Be well and take care of yourself, everyone.

    1. Technology certainly helps in our current climate. Glad you’re getting that time with your grandsons!

  8. I read every day, try to take walks and yes I do spoil myself with special facial cleansers and special shampoo so that I feel better about myself

  9. As a widow living alone I self care 24/7. I have started more gardening, making masks for anyone who needs them (all I ask is stamps to mail them out).

  10. Thank you so much. I love reading I have for as long as I can remember, I think I get it from my parents as they are both avid readers. My self care has always been reading, I have a 2yr old and a 7 yr old. When i find i need some alone time, I would do it when my 2yr old goes down for a nap. Since we went into lockdown my solace has been your books. I would have lost my mind without them. So thank you Donna for pouring your time, heart and soul into your books. You are very much appreciated.

  11. I belong to an on-line Pilates group. At the beginning of each month we’re provided with an exercise calendar that tells us what exercise is being done that day. if we miss a day we can go into the site library to access it. I don’t need specialized equipment. In fact, sometimes I don’t take out a mat and just exercise on the carpet floor. It keeps me flexible and takes me away from the stress of the day.

  12. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your stories. I’ve never thought of it as self care but have always been a nature lover. I find inner peace, comfort, strength and happiness in watching my plants grow, the birds in the tree outside my window and the bunnies play in my yard. I would urge everyone to take a few moments throughout the day to look around you and find your peace and strength.

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