Contest 8

I can’t believe this is the last contest on my blog today.  I can only take comfort in the fact that there’s still one more on Lisa’s blog. 🙂

I’ve saved the biggest prize for last. What could be bigger than an ARC I hear some of you ask?  Well, how about having one of my characters in a future book named after you?!

That’s what’s up for grabs, peeps. 🙂  It’s really simple to be entered into this contest.  Simply…

Buy Lisa’s new release

Buy any of Lisa’s book during this contest

If you haven’t read one of Lisa’s book, you are seriously missing out.  Run, don’t walk, to get her books.  You won’t be disappointed.



    1. Product Description


      Ship Date


      Demon’s Seduction




      Sub Total:


      Shipping & Processing:




      Total Shipment Price:


  1. OK the one I want to win most of all… LOL You know what I am talking about right>>>>????

    I already have Hot Vampire Seduction so I purchased the following:

    The following item is auto-delivered to your Kindle or other device. You can view more information about this order by clicking on the title on the Manage Your Kindle page at

    Hot Vampire Kiss (Vampire Wardens 1) [Kindle Edition] $0.99
    Sold By: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

    Alluring Tales–Awaken the Fantasy [Kindle Edition] $2.32
    Sold By: HarperCollins Publishers

    Pleasure With Purpose [Kindle Edition] $0.00
    Sold By: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

    1. The following item is auto-delivered to your Kindle or other device. You can view more information about this order by clicking on the title on the Manage Your Kindle page at
      Hot Vampire Seduction (Vampire Wardens 2) [Kindle Edition] $0.99
      Sold By: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

  2. I bought and read Hot Vampire Kiss last night and I have just bought Hot Vampire Seduction. Let me know if you want the receipts. I already have Legend of Michael or I would have bought that too 🙂

  3. Ugh it sucks not having twitter, a blog, an ereader/kindle or live in the states!! waaahhh!!! BUT I pre-ordered Lisa’s release of Storm that is Sterling <3 Best I could do!!

  4. I bought Hot Vampire Seduction.

    Enjoy your new NOOK Book!

    We appreciate your business and look forward to your next visit to Barnes & Noble.

    — Barnes & Noble
    Product Description Quantity Ship Date Price

    Hot Vampire Seduction (Vampire Wardens 2) 1 Immediate $0.99

    Sub Total: $0.99
    Shipping & Processing: N/A
    Tax: $0.08
    Total Shipment Price: $1.07

    Thanks, Angela Williams

  5. My proof that I have already bought Hot Vampire Secuction

    Haha, I had to go to page 3 of her books to find one I don’t already own. I bought Primal Insticts ~ her anthology with Cathryn Fox. Here is the page showing I bought it

    I soooooo WANT to win this prize. It would be such an honor having my name in one fo your books 😀 *Crossing every body part I can* I will buy every book Lisa has out there if it gave me more entries to win this prize

  6. is this what you need ?

    Order #: D01-7091642-6016960
    Subtotal of items: $0.99
    Total before tax: $0.99
    Tax Collected: $0.00
    Grand Total: $0.99
    Gift Certificates: – $0.99
    Total for this Order: $0.00

  7. Here is the confirmation # for my pre-orders of both Darkest Highlander & Storm that is Sterling:

    Order #: 701-5289187-4477049

  8. I already have a copy of Lisa’s new release. But I did buy it for someone else.. SO I guess I don’t get to be part of this giveaway.. 🙂

    but that is okay..

    Good work Ladies!!!

  9. Are y’all ready for the winner to be announced?!!

    Well, Shell, it looks like your wish came true. You won this one!

    Please email me regarding this!

    **winner picked using**

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